Tips For Preventing A Summer Dental Emergency

We hope you are having an amazing summer and doing all the things you love! Want to know what our patients don’t love? A dental emergency. Unfortunately, an emergency can occur anytime, usually when you are least prepared. We want to share more information about dental emergencies so you know what to do should you or your loved one experience a problem in the future. Read on to learn more.

Why Timely Treatment Matters

Happy New Year! We love the start of a new year. It is the perfect time for fresh beginnings. We know that many of our patients were extremely busy over the past few weeks, preparing and celebrating during the holiday season. If we recommend a dental treatment for you or a loved one, now is the perfect time to schedule the appointment. We would love for you to be worry-free this year when it comes to your oral health. Even if you are not due for a treatment, now is a wonderful time to schedule an oral hygiene examination for yourself and your family. Delaying necessary treatments and routine dental care can lead to serious complications with your oral health. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of not delaying a treatment we recommend.

What Kind Of Dental Issues Are Considered An Emergency?

We don’t know about you, but we cannot be happier that spring has arrived! The countdown to summer is on, and we cannot wait to hear about all of your exciting plans during your next visit. Nothing can ruin a fun time or exciting plans like a dental emergency. It always seems like an emergency happens at the least ideal time. We want to provide you with some ways to help determine what is a dental emergency and how to prevent emergencies from occurring.