The Surprising Link Between Stress And Your Smile

Can you believe it’s already November, and the holiday season is right around the corner? We don’t know about you, but for us, this year is flying by! While this time of year brings joy and excitement for many, it can also be stressful for others. You’ve likely heard about the negative effects of stress on your overall health, but did you know it can impact your oral health too? Read on to learn more about how stress can damage your teeth and gums.

Don’t Delay A Recommended Treatment — Schedule An Appointment Today!

We know that many of our patients are extremely busy during this time of year. Between work, end-of-school celebrations, sports, family outings, and time with friends, it can feel like there is never a free minute during the week. No matter how busy you may be, it is important to make your oral health a priority. You only have one set of teeth for your lifetime, so it is important to care for them properly.

Foods With Benefits To Your Oral Health

There is the popular saying, “You are what you eat,” which means the foods you consume can have an effect on your body and overall health. The same is true for your oral health. We frequently explain the importance of limiting sugary foods in your diet because of the harmful effects they can have on your teeth and gums. However, do you know which foods are beneficial to your oral health? We are going to share some recommendations that can help your teeth and gums:

It’s Spring! Time For A Dental Check-Up!

We are so happy that it is finally spring. Spring is a popular time for “spring cleaning,” which is the process of thoroughly cleaning your home to remove the lingering effects of the winter. We encourage our patients to do the same with their oral health. If it has been some time since your last visit, spring is the perfect time to schedule an oral hygiene examination and cleaning. Read on to learn more.

Why Timely Treatment Matters

Happy New Year! We love the start of a new year. It is the perfect time for fresh beginnings. We know that many of our patients were extremely busy over the past few weeks, preparing and celebrating during the holiday season. If we recommend a dental treatment for you or a loved one, now is the perfect time to schedule the appointment. We would love for you to be worry-free this year when it comes to your oral health. Even if you are not due for a treatment, now is a wonderful time to schedule an oral hygiene examination for yourself and your family. Delaying necessary treatments and routine dental care can lead to serious complications with your oral health. Continue reading to learn more about the importance of not delaying a treatment we recommend.