The Silent Threat To Oral Health
When you visit our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning, we do more than inspect your mouth for decay. We also look for other conditions that can bring about severe damage to your oral health. One of these conditions is gum disease. Detecting gum disease on your own is virtually impossible because it doesn’t cause discomfort, leaving your mouth open to severe consequences if not detected in the early stages and treated in a timely manner. Untreated gum disease can progress to a point where it can become a serious threat not only to your oral health, but to your overall health as well.
What is Gum Disease?
Gum disease is a common dental condition affecting more than 50% of the adults in the US. It is a serious gum infection caused by bacterial growth along the gumline and around the base of the tooth. When detected early, a mild case, also known as gingivitis, can be treated easily under our care. Peridontitis, the more severe form of gum disease, requires a more involved treatment. We offer a variety of deep cleanings depending on the severity of your case. Once gum disease is detected, you will need to ensure that you follow our specific guidelines for properly cleaning your teeth and schedule follow-up visits to ensure your periodontal disease remains under control.
Signs of Gum Disease
As mentioned earlier, gum disease does not have many obvious warning signs as compared to other oral health issues, such as decay. This is one of the main reasons why we recommend routine visits to our office. Between office visits, it is important to be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary with the health of your gums. Look for signs such as:
- Swollen or irritated gums
- Persistent bad breath
- Receding gums or gums pulling away from the teeth
- Gums that bleed easily
- Sudden change in your bite
- Teeth that feel loose
If you are noticing any of the warning signs mentioned above or if you have not visited our office in the past 6 months for a hygiene examination, call to schedule an appointment today at our office located in Kaufman, TX . We look forward to seeing you soon!