A perfectly straight smile is within reach at Noble Oaks Dentistry

A smile is worth a thousand words. At least that’s how we feel at Noble Oaks Dentistry.

Nothing makes us smile bigger than when we can help a patient achieve their own goals for a beautiful smile. Teeth alignment, of course, is great for correcting imperfections, but it can also be very useful in eliminating problems with bite, overcrowding, and even chronic pain. In short, having straight, properly spaced teeth improves your appearance as well as your long-term oral health. That’s why Dr. Jerry James proudly offers orthodontic treatments as part of his practice.

You have options

For most people, the words “orthodontics” and “braces” conjure up images of teenagers with awkward metallic smiles and bulky headgear. And yes, traditional metal braces are still a very effective option for teeth alignment, but they aren’t the only option available. Plus, with recently-developed technologies, even traditional metal braces aren’t what they used to be.

Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about orthodontic treatment for yourself or your child:

  • Digital and 3D imaging technology allows Dr. James to get an ultra accurate picture of the current positioning of your teeth and can even simulate what your teeth will look like when treatment is complete.
  • With the many options now available, treatment time is often shorter, requiring fewer trips to the office for adjustments and maintenance.
  • Innovative treatments like clear aligners, fast braces, and other streamlined appliances are more discreet and gentler for better aesthetics and less discomfort during treatment.

Choose Noble Oaks Dentistry for Orthodontic Care

Dr. James is passionate about providing world-class orthodontic treatment for his patients. In fact, it’s one of his favorite things to do as a dentist. He enjoys transforming the smiles and lives of the people who come to him for help. His experience and knowledge of orthodontic care are unmatched in the Kaufman, TX area.

Call our office today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. James and learn about the orthodontic treatment options available to you at Noble Oaks Dentistry.

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(972) 833-8978