Flawless Tooth Restoration with Dental Crowns

Have you recently undergone root canal therapy? Do you have a tooth that was badly damaged in an accident? Maybe one of your teeth has extensive tooth decay and is no longer the same shape and size it once was. If any of these applies to you, consider how a Dental Crown can help. At Noble Oaks Dentistry, Dr. Jerry James is an expert at placing dental crowns to fully restore the look and function of badly damaged teeth.

Why would I need a Dental Crown?

Sometimes teeth become so badly damaged by decay that a simple filling won’t do. In other cases, teeth get damaged in accidents or become brittle due to illness. When these things happen and the resulting damage is extensive, a dental crown is often the best, least-invasive option to fully restore a tooth’s appearance and function.

What is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a cap, typically made of dental porcelain or another durable material, that is fabricated in a dental laboratory to mimic the look and function of a natural tooth. It’s hollow inside, so it fits over the remnants of an existing tooth, completely covering it and sealing it off from further damage.

The Process

Once Dr. James has examined your teeth and you have discussed your treatment options to determine that a dental crown is right for you, here’s what you can expect:

  1. At your first visit, the tooth that’s going to receive the crown is prepared. Dr. James files it down to make space for the crown to be placed.
  2. After preparing the tooth, Dr. James makes an impression of it and the teeth above, below, and around it to create the most accurate picture of how the crown will need to be shaped.
  3. The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory, which fabricates the crown in about two or three weeks. In the meantime, Dr. James places a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth.
  4. At your second visit, Dr. James removes the temporary crown and places the permanent one, but first he checks the fit and color to make sure they’re perfect.
  5. If everything is okay, Dr. James may numb the area before he cements the permanent crown into place.

The result is a flawless replica of a natural tooth that fits perfectly in your mouth and is fully functional. You can smile, eat, and speak with complete confidence when you have a dental crown in place.

Choose Noble Oaks Dentistry for Dental Crowns

Dr. Jerry James and his team of professionals are experts in cosmetic dentistry procedures, including placing dental crowns. Noble Oaks Dentistry patients can rely on their professional experience and rest assured that their dental crowns are always made with the best available materials and placed using the most current dental techniques.

For more information about Dental Crowns in Kaufman, TX or to schedule a consultation with Dr. James, please contact our office today. We’re happy to help!

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(972) 833-8978