Tips For Preventing A Summer Dental Emergency
We hope you are having an amazing summer and doing all the things you love! Want to know what our patients don’t love? A dental emergency. Unfortunately, an emergency can occur anytime, usually when you are least prepared. We want to share more information about dental emergencies so you know what to do should you or your loved one experience a problem in the future. Read on to learn more.
What to Know About a Dental Emergency
A dental emergency can happen at any time. It doesn’t just have to be when someone has trauma to the mouth and knocks out a tooth. A dental emergency is anything out of the ordinary that occurs with your oral health. If you or a loved one experiences a dental emergency, the most important thing is to remain calm and assess the situation. You then need to determine where the problem area is and what happened to cause an emergency. A dental emergency can be anything from severe pain to a knocked-out tooth. Be sure to contact our office immediately for assistance.
How to Prevent a Dental Emergency
The best way to prevent a dental emergency is to visit our office regularly for oral hygiene examinations and cleanings. During these visits, we not only clean your teeth, but we also check for current and potential oral health problems. The longer you go between visits, the greater the chance you will experience sudden complications. The same is true if we recommend dental treatment and you delay your appointment.
Another great way to protect your teeth is to wear a mouthguard when playing sports. Today, sports leagues are not just for the kids. People of all ages play sports year-round. A mouthguard is a wonderful way to protect your teeth. They are not just for people who wear braces anymore.
If you or a loved one experiences a dental emergency, be sure to contact our office located in Kaufman, TX. We can determine if you need to visit an emergency room, need an immediate appointment, or can monitor the damage on your own. If you need an oral hygiene examination, be sure to contact us to schedule an appointment. We hope you have a safe and happy summer.